
The peas.Engine structure contains only private data and should only be accessed using the provided API.


this(PeasEngine* peasEngine, bool ownedRef)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.

this(bool global)

Return a new instance of Engine. If no default Engine has been instantiated yet, the first call of this function will set the default engine as the new instance of Engine.



gulong addOnLoadPlugin(void delegate(PluginInfo, Engine) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The load-plugin signal is emitted when a plugin is being loaded.

gulong addOnUnloadPlugin(void delegate(PluginInfo, Engine) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The unload-plugin signal is emitted when a plugin is being unloaded.

void addSearchPath(string moduleDir, string dataDir)

This function appends a search path to the list of paths where to look for plugins.

PeasExtension* createExtensionValist(PluginInfo info, GType extensionType, string firstProperty, void* varArgs)

If the plugin identified by info implements the extension_type, then this function will return a new instance of this implementation, wrapped in a new PeasExtension instance. Otherwise, it will return NULL.

PeasExtension* createExtensionv(PluginInfo info, GType extensionType, GParameter[] parameters)

If the plugin identified by info implements the extension_type, then this function will return a new instance of this implementation, wrapped in a new PeasExtension instance. Otherwise, it will return NULL.

void enableLoader(string loaderName)

Enable a loader, enables a loader for plugins. The C plugin loader is always enabled. The other plugin loaders are: lua5.1, python and python3.

void garbageCollect()

This function triggers garbage collection on all the loaders currently owned by the peas.Engine This can be used to force the loaders to destroy managed objects that still hold references to objects that are about to disappear.

PeasEngine* getEngineStruct(bool transferOwnership)

Get the main Gtk struct

string[] getLoadedPlugins()

Returns the list of the names of all the loaded plugins, or an array containing a single NULL element if there is no plugin currently loaded.

PluginInfo getPluginInfo(string pluginName)

Gets the peas.PluginInfo corresponding with plugin_name, or NULL if plugin_name was not found.

ListG getPluginList()

Returns the list of peas.PluginInfo known to the engine.

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

bool loadPlugin(PluginInfo info)

Loads the plugin corresponding to info if it's not currently loaded. Emits the "load-plugin" signal; loading the plugin actually occurs in the default signal handler.

void prependSearchPath(string moduleDir, string dataDir)

This function prepends a search path to the list of paths where to look for plugins.

bool providesExtension(PluginInfo info, GType extensionType)

Returns if info provides an extension for extension_type. If the info is not loaded than FALSE will always be returned.

void rescanPlugins()

Rescan all the registered directories to find new or updated plugins.

void setLoadedPlugins(string[] pluginNames)

Sets the list of loaded plugins for engine. When this function is called, the peas.Engine will load all the plugins whose names are in plugin_names, and ensures all other active plugins are unloaded.

bool unloadPlugin(PluginInfo info)

Unloads the plugin corresponding to info. Emits the "unload-plugin" signal; unloading the plugin actually occurs in the default signal handler.

Static functions

Engine getDefault()

Return the existing instance of peas.Engine or a subclass of it. If no peas.Engine subclass has been instantiated yet, the first call of this function will return a new instance of peas.Engine

GType getType()


PeasEngine* peasEngine;

the main Gtk struct

Inherited Members

From ObjectG

GObject* gObject;

the main Gtk struct

GObject* getObjectGStruct(bool transferOwnership)

Get the main Gtk struct

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

T opCast()
RT getDObject(U obj, bool ownedRef)

Gets a D Object from the objects table of associations.

void setProperty(string propertyName, T value)
gulong addOnNotify(void delegate(ParamSpec, ObjectG) dlg, string property, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has been changed. Note that getting this signal doesn't guarantee that the value of the property has actually changed, it may also be emitted when the setter for the property is called to reinstate the previous value.

GType getType()
size_t compatControl(size_t what, void* data)
ParamSpec interfaceFindProperty(TypeInterface gIface, string propertyName)

Find the gobject.ParamSpec with the given name for an interface. Generally, the interface vtable passed in as g_iface will be the default vtable from g_type_default_interface_ref(), or, if you know the interface has already been loaded, g_type_default_interface_peek().

void interfaceInstallProperty(TypeInterface gIface, ParamSpec pspec)

Add a property to an interface; this is only useful for interfaces that are added to GObject-derived types. Adding a property to an interface forces all objects classes with that interface to have a compatible property. The compatible property could be a newly created gobject.ParamSpec, but normally ObjectClass.overrideProperty will be used so that the object class only needs to provide an implementation and inherits the property description, default value, bounds, and so forth from the interface property.

ParamSpec[] interfaceListProperties(TypeInterface gIface)

Lists the properties of an interface.Generally, the interface vtable passed in as g_iface will be the default vtable from g_type_default_interface_ref(), or, if you know the interface has already been loaded, g_type_default_interface_peek().

void addToggleRef(GToggleNotify notify, void* data)

Increases the reference count of the object by one and sets a callback to be called when all other references to the object are dropped, or when this is already the last reference to the object and another reference is established.

void addWeakPointer(void* weakPointerLocation)

Adds a weak reference from weak_pointer to object to indicate that the pointer located at weak_pointer_location is only valid during the lifetime of object. When the object is finalized, weak_pointer will be set to NULL.

Binding bindProperty(string sourceProperty, ObjectG target, string targetProperty, GBindingFlags flags)

Creates a binding between source_property on source and target_property on target. Whenever the source_property is changed the target_property is updated using the same value. For instance:

Binding bindPropertyFull(string sourceProperty, ObjectG target, string targetProperty, GBindingFlags flags, GBindingTransformFunc transformTo, GBindingTransformFunc transformFrom, void* userData, GDestroyNotify notify)

Complete version of g_object_bind_property().

Binding bindPropertyWithClosures(string sourceProperty, ObjectG target, string targetProperty, GBindingFlags flags, Closure transformTo, Closure transformFrom)

Creates a binding between source_property on source and target_property on target, allowing you to set the transformation functions to be used by the binding.

void* dupData(string key, GDuplicateFunc dupFunc, void* userData)

This is a variant of g_object_get_data() which returns a 'duplicate' of the value. dup_func defines the meaning of 'duplicate' in this context, it could e.g. take a reference on a ref-counted object.

void* dupQdata(GQuark quark, GDuplicateFunc dupFunc, void* userData)

This is a variant of g_object_get_qdata() which returns a 'duplicate' of the value. dup_func defines the meaning of 'duplicate' in this context, it could e.g. take a reference on a ref-counted object.

void forceFloating()

This function is intended for GObject implementations to re-enforce a floating[floating-ref] object reference. Doing this is seldom required: all GInitiallyUnowneds are created with a floating reference which usually just needs to be sunken by calling g_object_ref_sink().

void freezeNotify()

Increases the freeze count on object. If the freeze count is non-zero, the emission of "notify" signals on object is stopped. The signals are queued until the freeze count is decreased to zero. Duplicate notifications are squashed so that at most one notify signal is emitted for each property modified while the object is frozen.

void* getData(string key)

Gets a named field from the objects table of associations (see g_object_set_data()).

void getProperty(string propertyName, Value value)

Gets a property of an object.

void* getQdata(GQuark quark)

This function gets back user data pointers stored via g_object_set_qdata().

void getValist(string firstPropertyName, void* varArgs)

Gets properties of an object.

void getv(string[] names, Value[] values)

Gets n_properties properties for an object. Obtained properties will be set to values. All properties must be valid. Warnings will be emitted and undefined behaviour may result if invalid properties are passed in.

bool isFloating()

Checks whether object has a floating[floating-ref] reference.

void notify(string propertyName)

Emits a "notify" signal for the property property_name on object.

void notifyByPspec(ParamSpec pspec)

Emits a "notify" signal for the property specified by pspec on object.

ObjectG ref_()

Increases the reference count of object.

ObjectG refSink()

Increase the reference count of object, and possibly remove the floating[floating-ref] reference, if object has a floating reference.

void removeToggleRef(GToggleNotify notify, void* data)

Removes a reference added with g_object_add_toggle_ref(). The reference count of the object is decreased by one.

void removeWeakPointer(void* weakPointerLocation)

Removes a weak reference from object that was previously added using g_object_add_weak_pointer(). The weak_pointer_location has to match the one used with g_object_add_weak_pointer().

bool replaceData(string key, void* oldval, void* newval, GDestroyNotify destroy, GDestroyNotify oldDestroy)

Compares the user data for the key key on object with oldval, and if they are the same, replaces oldval with newval.

bool replaceQdata(GQuark quark, void* oldval, void* newval, GDestroyNotify destroy, GDestroyNotify oldDestroy)

Compares the user data for the key quark on object with oldval, and if they are the same, replaces oldval with newval.

void runDispose()

Releases all references to other objects. This can be used to break reference cycles.

void setData(string key, void* data)

Each object carries around a table of associations from strings to pointers. This function lets you set an association.

void setDataFull(string key, void* data, GDestroyNotify destroy)

Like g_object_set_data() except it adds notification for when the association is destroyed, either by setting it to a different value or when the object is destroyed.

void setProperty(string propertyName, Value value)

Sets a property on an object.

void setQdata(GQuark quark, void* data)

This sets an opaque, named pointer on an object. The name is specified through a GQuark (retrived e.g. via g_quark_from_static_string()), and the pointer can be gotten back from the object with g_object_get_qdata() until the object is finalized. Setting a previously set user data pointer, overrides (frees) the old pointer set, using NULL as pointer essentially removes the data stored.

void setQdataFull(GQuark quark, void* data, GDestroyNotify destroy)

This function works like g_object_set_qdata(), but in addition, a void (*destroy) (gpointer) function may be specified which is called with data as argument when the object is finalized, or the data is being overwritten by a call to g_object_set_qdata() with the same quark.

void setValist(string firstPropertyName, void* varArgs)

Sets properties on an object.

void setv(string[] names, Value[] values)

Sets n_properties properties for an object. Properties to be set will be taken from values. All properties must be valid. Warnings will be emitted and undefined behaviour may result if invalid properties are passed in.

void* stealData(string key)

Remove a specified datum from the object's data associations, without invoking the association's destroy handler.

void* stealQdata(GQuark quark)

This function gets back user data pointers stored via g_object_set_qdata() and removes the data from object without invoking its destroy() function (if any was set). Usually, calling this function is only required to update user data pointers with a destroy notifier, for example:

void thawNotify()

Reverts the effect of a previous call to g_object_freeze_notify(). The freeze count is decreased on object and when it reaches zero, queued "notify" signals are emitted.

void unref()

Decreases the reference count of object. When its reference count drops to 0, the object is finalized (i.e. its memory is freed).

void watchClosure(Closure closure)

This function essentially limits the life time of the closure to the life time of the object. That is, when the object is finalized, the closure is invalidated by calling Closure.invalidate on it, in order to prevent invocations of the closure with a finalized (nonexisting) object. Also, g_object_ref() and g_object_unref() are added as marshal guards to the closure, to ensure that an extra reference count is held on object during invocation of the closure. Usually, this function will be called on closures that use this object as closure data.

void weakRef(GWeakNotify notify, void* data)

Adds a weak reference callback to an object. Weak references are used for notification when an object is finalized. They are called "weak references" because they allow you to safely hold a pointer to an object without calling g_object_ref() (g_object_ref() adds a strong reference, that is, forces the object to stay alive).

void weakUnref(GWeakNotify notify, void* data)

Removes a weak reference callback to an object.

void clearObject(ObjectG objectPtr)

Clears a reference to a GObject