- canPoll
int function(GPollableInputStream* stream) canPoll;
- createSource
GSource* function(GPollableInputStream* stream, GCancellable* cancellable) createSource;
- gIface
GTypeInterface gIface;
- isReadable
int function(GPollableInputStream* stream) isReadable;
- readNonblocking
ptrdiff_t function(GPollableInputStream* stream, void* buffer, size_t count, GError** err) readNonblocking;
The interface for pollable input streams.
The default implementation of can_poll always returns TRUE.
The default implementation of read_nonblocking calls g_pollable_input_stream_is_readable(), and then calls InputStream.read if it returns TRUE. This means you only need to override it if it is possible that your is_readable implementation may return TRUE when the stream is not actually readable.