Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
A destructor is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
Deserializes (reconstruct) a gdkpixbuf.Pixdata structure from a byte stream. The byte stream consists of a straightforward writeout of the gdkpixbuf.Pixdata fields in network byte order, plus the pixel_data bytes the structure points to. The pixdata contents are reconstructed byte by byte and are checked for validity. This function may fail with GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR_CORRUPT_IMAGE or GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR_UNKNOWN_TYPE.
Converts a gdk.Pixbuf to a gdkpixbuf.Pixdata If use_rle is TRUE, the pixel data is run-length encoded into newly-allocated memory and a pointer to that memory is returned.
Get the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Serializes a gdkpixbuf.Pixdata structure into a byte stream. The byte stream consists of a straightforward writeout of the gdkpixbuf.Pixdata fields in network byte order, plus the pixel_data bytes the structure points to.
Generates C source code suitable for compiling images directly into programs.
Height of the image in pixels.
less than 1 to disable length checks, otherwise GDK_PIXDATA_HEADER_LENGTH + length of pixel_data.
magic number. A valid gdkpixbuf.Pixdata structure must have GDK_PIXBUF_MAGIC_NUMBER here.
information about colorspace, sample width and encoding, in a GdkPixdataType
Distance in bytes between rows.
Width of the image in pixels.
the main Gtk struct
A gdkpixbuf.Pixdata contains pixbuf information in a form suitable for serialization and streaming.