Deserializes (reconstruct) a gdkpixbuf.Pixdata structure from a byte stream.
The byte stream consists of a straightforward writeout of the
gdkpixbuf.Pixdata fields in network byte order, plus the pixel_data
bytes the structure points to.
The pixdata contents are reconstructed byte by byte and are checked
for validity. This function may fail with GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR_CORRUPT_IMAGE
Deserializes (reconstruct) a gdkpixbuf.Pixdata structure from a byte stream. The byte stream consists of a straightforward writeout of the gdkpixbuf.Pixdata fields in network byte order, plus the pixel_data bytes the structure points to. The pixdata contents are reconstructed byte by byte and are checked for validity. This function may fail with GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR_CORRUPT_IMAGE or GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR_UNKNOWN_TYPE.