Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
A destructor is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
Changes the transformation represented by matrix to be the transformation given by first applying transformation given by new_matrix then applying the original transformation.
Copies a cairo.Matrix
Free a cairo.Matrix created with Matrix.copy.
Returns the scale factor of a matrix on the height of the font. That is, the scale factor in the direction perpendicular to the vector that the X coordinate is mapped to. If the scale in the X coordinate is needed as well, use Matrix.getFontScaleFactors.
Calculates the scale factor of a matrix on the width and height of the font. That is, xscale is the scale factor in the direction of the X coordinate, and yscale is the scale factor in the direction perpendicular to the vector that the X coordinate is mapped to.
Get the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Changes the transformation represented by matrix to be the transformation given by first rotating by degrees degrees counter-clockwise then applying the original transformation.
Changes the transformation represented by matrix to be the transformation given by first scaling by sx in the X direction and sy in the Y direction then applying the original transformation.
Transforms the distance vector (dx,dy) by matrix. This is similar to Matrix.transformPoint except that the translation components of the transformation are ignored. The calculation of the returned vector is as follows:
First transforms the rect using matrix, then calculates the bounding box of the transformed rectangle. The rectangle should be in device units (pixels).
Transforms the point (x, y) by matrix.
First transforms rect using matrix, then calculates the bounding box of the transformed rectangle. The rectangle should be in Pango units.
Changes the transformation represented by matrix to be the transformation given by first translating by (tx, ty) then applying the original transformation.
x translation
1st component of the transformation matrix
2nd component of the transformation matrix
y translation
3rd component of the transformation matrix
4th component of the transformation matrix
Converts extents from Pango units to device units, dividing by the PANGO_SCALE factor and performing rounding.
Converts a floating-point number to Pango units: multiplies it by PANGO_SCALE and rounds to nearest integer.
Converts a number in Pango units to floating-point: divides it by PANGO_SCALE.
the main Gtk struct
A structure specifying a transformation between user-space coordinates and device coordinates. The transformation is given by
<programlisting> x_device = x_user * matrix->xx + y_user * matrix->xy + matrix->x0; y_device = x_user * matrix->yx + y_user * matrix->yy + matrix->y0; </programlisting>