
GtkWidgetPath is a boxed type that represents a widget hierarchy from the topmost widget, typically a toplevel, to any child. This widget path abstraction is used in gtk.StyleContext on behalf of the real widget in order to query style information.

If you are using GTK+ widgets, you probably will not need to use this API directly, as there is Widget.getPath, and the style context returned by Widget.getStyleContext will be automatically updated on widget hierarchy changes.

The widget path generation is generally simple:

Defining a button within a window

GtkWidgetPath *path;

path = gtk_widget_path_new ();
gtk_widget_path_append_type (path, GTK_TYPE_WINDOW);
gtk_widget_path_append_type (path, GTK_TYPE_BUTTON);

Although more complex information, such as widget names, or different classes (property that may be used by other widget types) and intermediate regions may be included:

Defining the first tab widget in a notebook

GtkWidgetPath *path;
guint pos;

path = gtk_widget_path_new ();

pos = gtk_widget_path_append_type (path, GTK_TYPE_NOTEBOOK);
gtk_widget_path_iter_add_region (path, pos, "tab", GTK_REGION_EVEN | GTK_REGION_FIRST);

pos = gtk_widget_path_append_type (path, GTK_TYPE_LABEL);
gtk_widget_path_iter_set_name (path, pos, "first tab label");

All this information will be used to match the style information that applies to the described widget.

class WidgetPath {
bool ownedRef;


this(GtkWidgetPath* gtkWidgetPath, bool ownedRef)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.


Returns an empty widget path.


A destructor is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.



int appendForWidget(Widget widget)

Appends the data from widget to the widget hierarchy represented by path. This function is a shortcut for adding information from widget to the given path. This includes setting the name or adding the style classes from widget.

int appendType(GType type)

Appends a widget type to the widget hierarchy represented by path.

int appendWithSiblings(WidgetPath siblings, uint siblingIndex)

Appends a widget type with all its siblings to the widget hierarchy represented by path. Using this function instead of Widget.pathAppendType will allow the CSS theming to use sibling matches in selectors and apply :nth-child() pseudo classes. In turn, it requires a lot more care in widget implementations as widgets need to make sure to call Widget.resetStyle on all involved widgets when the siblings path changes.

WidgetPath copy()

Returns a copy of path

void free()

Decrements the reference count on path, freeing the structure if the reference count reaches 0.

GType getObjectType()

Returns the topmost object type, that is, the object type this path is representing.

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

GtkWidgetPath* getWidgetPathStruct(bool transferOwnership)

Get the main Gtk struct

bool hasParent(GType type)

Returns TRUE if any of the parents of the widget represented in path is of type type, or any subtype of it.

bool isType(GType type)

Returns TRUE if the widget type represented by this path is type, or a subtype of it.

void iterAddClass(int pos, string name)

Adds the class name to the widget at position pos in the hierarchy defined in path. See Style.contextAddClass.

void iterAddRegion(int pos, string name, GtkRegionFlags flags)

Adds the region name to the widget at position pos in the hierarchy defined in path. See Style.contextAddRegion.

void iterClearClasses(int pos)

Removes all classes from the widget at position pos in the hierarchy defined in path.

void iterClearRegions(int pos)

Removes all regions from the widget at position pos in the hierarchy defined in path.

string iterGetName(int pos)

Returns the name corresponding to the widget found at the position pos in the widget hierarchy defined by path

string iterGetObjectName(int pos)

Returns the object name that is at position pos in the widget hierarchy defined in path.

GType iterGetObjectType(int pos)

Returns the object GType that is at position pos in the widget hierarchy defined in path.

uint iterGetSiblingIndex(int pos)

Returns the index into the list of siblings for the element at pos as returned by Widget.pathIterGetSiblings. If that function would return NULL because the element at pos has no siblings, this function will return 0.

WidgetPath iterGetSiblings(int pos)

Returns the list of siblings for the element at pos. If the element was not added with siblings, NULL is returned.

GtkStateFlags iterGetState(int pos)

Returns the state flags corresponding to the widget found at the position pos in the widget hierarchy defined by path

bool iterHasClass(int pos, string name)

Returns TRUE if the widget at position pos has the class name defined, FALSE otherwise.

bool iterHasName(int pos, string name)

Returns TRUE if the widget at position pos has the name name, FALSE otherwise.

bool iterHasQclass(int pos, GQuark qname)

See Widget.pathIterHasClass. This is a version that operates with GQuarks.

bool iterHasQname(int pos, GQuark qname)

See Widget.pathIterHasName. This is a version that operates on GQuarks

bool iterHasQregion(int pos, GQuark qname, GtkRegionFlags flags)

See Widget.pathIterHasRegion. This is a version that operates with GQuarks.

bool iterHasRegion(int pos, string name, GtkRegionFlags flags)

Returns TRUE if the widget at position pos has the class name defined, FALSE otherwise.

ListSG iterListClasses(int pos)

Returns a list with all the class names defined for the widget at position pos in the hierarchy defined in path.

ListSG iterListRegions(int pos)

Returns a list with all the region names defined for the widget at position pos in the hierarchy defined in path.

void iterRemoveClass(int pos, string name)

Removes the class name from the widget at position pos in the hierarchy defined in path.

void iterRemoveRegion(int pos, string name)

Removes the region name from the widget at position pos in the hierarchy defined in path.

void iterSetName(int pos, string name)

Sets the widget name for the widget found at position pos in the widget hierarchy defined by path.

void iterSetObjectName(int pos, string name)

Sets the object name for a given position in the widget hierarchy defined by path.

void iterSetObjectType(int pos, GType type)

Sets the object type for a given position in the widget hierarchy defined by path.

void iterSetState(int pos, GtkStateFlags state)

Sets the widget name for the widget found at position pos in the widget hierarchy defined by path.

int length()

Returns the number of gtk.Widget GTypes between the represented widget and its topmost container.

void prependType(GType type)

Prepends a widget type to the widget hierachy represented by path.

WidgetPath ref_()

Increments the reference count on path.

string toString()

Dumps the widget path into a string representation. It tries to match the CSS style as closely as possible (Note that there might be paths that cannot be represented in CSS).

void unref()

Decrements the reference count on path, freeing the structure if the reference count reaches 0.

Static functions

GType getType()


GtkWidgetPath* gtkWidgetPath;

the main Gtk struct