Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
Creates a new GtkTreePath. This structure refers to a row.
Creates a new path with "indices" as indices.
Creates a new [GtkTreePath-struct|GtkTreePath-struct] initialized to path.
A destructor is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
Appends a new index to a path.
Compares two paths.
Creates a new [GtkTreePath-struct|GtkTreePath-struct] as a copy of path.
Moves path to point to the first child of the current path.
Frees path. If path is NULL, it simply returns.
Returns the current depth of path.
Returns the current indices of path.
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Get the main Gtk struct
Returns TRUE if descendant is a descendant of path.
Returns TRUE if path is a descendant of ancestor.
Moves the path to point to the next node at the current depth.
Prepends a new index to a path.
Moves the path to point to the previous node at the current depth, if it exists.
Generates a string representation of the path.
Moves the path to point to its parent node, if it has a parent.
the main Gtk struct