
A gtk.SeparatorToolItem is a gtk.ToolItem that separates groups of other gtk.ToolItems Depending on the theme, a gtk.SeparatorToolItem will often look like a vertical line on horizontally docked toolbars.

If the gtk.Toolbar child property “expand” is TRUE and the property draw is FALSE, a gtk.SeparatorToolItem will act as a “spring” that forces other items to the ends of the toolbar.

Use Separator.toolItemNew to create a new gtk.SeparatorToolItem

CSS nodes

GtkSeparatorToolItem has a single CSS node with name separator.


this(GtkSeparatorToolItem* gtkSeparatorToolItem, bool ownedRef)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.


Create a new gtk.SeparatorToolItem



bool getDraw()

Returns whether item is drawn as a line, or just blank. See Separator.toolItemSetDraw.

GtkSeparatorToolItem* getSeparatorToolItemStruct(bool transferOwnership)

Get the main Gtk struct

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

void setDraw(bool draw)

Whether item is drawn as a vertical line, or just blank. Setting this to FALSE along with ToolItem.setExpand is useful to create an item that forces following items to the end of the toolbar.

Static functions

GType getType()


GtkSeparatorToolItem* gtkSeparatorToolItem;

the main Gtk struct

Inherited Members

From ToolItem

GtkToolItem* gtkToolItem;

the main Gtk struct

GtkToolItem* getToolItemStruct(bool transferOwnership)

Get the main Gtk struct

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

GType getType()
PangoEllipsizeMode getEllipsizeMode()

Returns the ellipsize mode used for tool_item. Custom subclasses of gtk.ToolItem should call this function to find out how text should be ellipsized.

bool getExpand()

Returns whether tool_item is allocated extra space. See ToolItem.setExpand.

bool getHomogeneous()

Returns whether tool_item is the same size as other homogeneous items. See ToolItem.setHomogeneous.

GtkIconSize getIconSize()

Returns the icon size used for tool_item. Custom subclasses of gtk.ToolItem should call this function to find out what size icons they should use.

bool getIsImportant()

Returns whether tool_item is considered important. See ToolItem.setIsImportant

GtkOrientation getOrientation()

Returns the orientation used for tool_item. Custom subclasses of gtk.ToolItem should call this function to find out what size icons they should use.

Widget getProxyMenuItem(string menuItemId)

If menu_item_id matches the string passed to ToolItem.setProxyMenuItem return the corresponding gtk.MenuItem

GtkReliefStyle getReliefStyle()

Returns the relief style of tool_item. See Button.setRelief. Custom subclasses of gtk.ToolItem should call this function in the handler of the toolbar_reconfigured signal to find out the relief style of buttons.

float getTextAlignment()

Returns the text alignment used for tool_item. Custom subclasses of gtk.ToolItem should call this function to find out how text should be aligned.

GtkOrientation getTextOrientation()

Returns the text orientation used for tool_item. Custom subclasses of gtk.ToolItem should call this function to find out how text should be orientated.

SizeGroup getTextSizeGroup()

Returns the size group used for labels in tool_item. Custom subclasses of gtk.ToolItem should call this function and use the size group for labels.

GtkToolbarStyle getToolbarStyle()

Returns the toolbar style used for tool_item. Custom subclasses of gtk.ToolItem should call this function in the handler of the GtkToolItem::toolbar_reconfigured signal to find out in what style the toolbar is displayed and change themselves accordingly

bool getUseDragWindow()

Returns whether tool_item has a drag window. See ToolItem.setUseDragWindow.

bool getVisibleHorizontal()

Returns whether the tool_item is visible on toolbars that are docked horizontally.

bool getVisibleVertical()

Returns whether tool_item is visible when the toolbar is docked vertically. See ToolItem.setVisibleVertical.

void rebuildMenu()

Calling this function signals to the toolbar that the overflow menu item for tool_item has changed. If the overflow menu is visible when this function it called, the menu will be rebuilt.

Widget retrieveProxyMenuItem()

Returns the gtk.MenuItem that was last set by ToolItem.setProxyMenuItem, ie. the gtk.MenuItem that is going to appear in the overflow menu.

void setExpand(bool expand)

Sets whether tool_item is allocated extra space when there is more room on the toolbar then needed for the items. The effect is that the item gets bigger when the toolbar gets bigger and smaller when the toolbar gets smaller.

void setHomogeneous(bool homogeneous)

Sets whether tool_item is to be allocated the same size as other homogeneous items. The effect is that all homogeneous items will have the same width as the widest of the items.

void setIsImportant(bool isImportant)

Sets whether tool_item should be considered important. The gtk.ToolButton class uses this property to determine whether to show or hide its label when the toolbar style is GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ. The result is that only tool buttons with the “is_important” property set have labels, an effect known as “priority text”

void setProxyMenuItem(string menuItemId, Widget menuItem)

Sets the gtk.MenuItem used in the toolbar overflow menu. The menu_item_id is used to identify the caller of this function and should also be used with ToolItem.getProxyMenuItem.

void setTooltipMarkup(string markup)

Sets the markup text to be displayed as tooltip on the item. See Widget.setTooltipMarkup.

void setTooltipText(string text)

Sets the text to be displayed as tooltip on the item. See Widget.setTooltipText.

void setUseDragWindow(bool useDragWindow)

Sets whether tool_item has a drag window. When TRUE the toolitem can be used as a drag source through gtk_drag_source_set(). When tool_item has a drag window it will intercept all events, even those that would otherwise be sent to a child of tool_item.

void setVisibleHorizontal(bool visibleHorizontal)

Sets whether tool_item is visible when the toolbar is docked horizontally.

void setVisibleVertical(bool visibleVertical)

Sets whether tool_item is visible when the toolbar is docked vertically. Some tool items, such as text entries, are too wide to be useful on a vertically docked toolbar. If visible_vertical is FALSE tool_item will not appear on toolbars that are docked vertically.

void toolbarReconfigured()

Emits the signal toolbar_reconfigured on tool_item. gtk.Toolbar and other GtkToolShell implementations use this function to notify children, when some aspect of their configuration changes.

gulong addOnCreateMenuProxy(bool delegate(ToolItem) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

This signal is emitted when the toolbar needs information from tool_item about whether the item should appear in the toolbar overflow menu. In response the tool item should either

gulong addOnToolbarReconfigured(void delegate(ToolItem) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

This signal is emitted when some property of the toolbar that the item is a child of changes. For custom subclasses of gtk.ToolItem, the default handler of this signal use the functions - gtk_tool_shell_get_orientation() - gtk_tool_shell_get_style() - gtk_tool_shell_get_icon_size() - gtk_tool_shell_get_relief_style() to find out what the toolbar should look like and change themselves accordingly.