

this(GtkIconSource* gtkIconSource, bool ownedRef)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.


Creates a new gtk.IconSource A gtk.IconSource contains a gdk.Pixbuf (or image filename) that serves as the base image for one or more of the icons in a gtk.IconSet, along with a specification for which icons in the icon set will be based on that pixbuf or image file. An icon set contains a set of icons that represent “the same” logical concept in different states, different global text directions, and different sizes.


A destructor is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.



IconSource copy()

Creates a copy of source; mostly useful for language bindings.

void free()

Frees a dynamically-allocated icon source, along with its filename, size, and pixbuf fields if those are not NULL.

GtkTextDirection getDirection()

Obtains the text direction this icon source applies to. The return value is only useful/meaningful if the text direction is not wildcarded.

bool getDirectionWildcarded()

Gets the value set by IconSource.setDirectionWildcarded.

string getFilename()

Retrieves the source filename, or NULL if none is set. The filename is not a copy, and should not be modified or expected to persist beyond the lifetime of the icon source.

string getIconName()

Retrieves the source icon name, or NULL if none is set. The icon_name is not a copy, and should not be modified or expected to persist beyond the lifetime of the icon source.

GtkIconSource* getIconSourceStruct(bool transferOwnership)

Get the main Gtk struct

Pixbuf getPixbuf()

Retrieves the source pixbuf, or NULL if none is set. In addition, if a filename source is in use, this function in some cases will return the pixbuf from loaded from the filename. This is, for example, true for the GtkIconSource passed to the gtk.Style render_icon() virtual function. The reference count on the pixbuf is not incremented.

GtkIconSize getSize()

Obtains the icon size this source applies to. The return value is only useful/meaningful if the icon size is not wildcarded.

bool getSizeWildcarded()

Gets the value set by IconSource.setSizeWildcarded.

GtkStateType getState()

Obtains the widget state this icon source applies to. The return value is only useful/meaningful if the widget state is not wildcarded.

bool getStateWildcarded()

Gets the value set by IconSource.setStateWildcarded.

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

void setDirection(GtkTextDirection direction)

Sets the text direction this icon source is intended to be used with.

void setDirectionWildcarded(bool setting)

If the text direction is wildcarded, this source can be used as the base image for an icon in any GtkTextDirection If the text direction is not wildcarded, then the text direction the icon source applies to should be set with IconSource.setDirection, and the icon source will only be used with that text direction.

void setFilename(string filename)

Sets the name of an image file to use as a base image when creating icon variants for gtk.IconSet The filename must be absolute.

void setIconName(string iconName)

Sets the name of an icon to look up in the current icon theme to use as a base image when creating icon variants for gtk.IconSet

void setPixbuf(Pixbuf pixbuf)

Sets a pixbuf to use as a base image when creating icon variants for gtk.IconSet

void setSize(GtkIconSize size)

Sets the icon size this icon source is intended to be used with.

void setSizeWildcarded(bool setting)

If the icon size is wildcarded, this source can be used as the base image for an icon of any size. If the size is not wildcarded, then the size the source applies to should be set with IconSource.setSize and the icon source will only be used with that specific size.

void setState(GtkStateType state)

Sets the widget state this icon source is intended to be used with.

void setStateWildcarded(bool setting)

If the widget state is wildcarded, this source can be used as the base image for an icon in any GtkStateType If the widget state is not wildcarded, then the state the source applies to should be set with IconSource.setState and the icon source will only be used with that specific state.

Static functions

GType getType()


GtkIconSource* gtkIconSource;

the main Gtk struct