Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
Creates a new HPaned and adds two widgets as it's children
Create a new gtk.HPaned
Get the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct as a void*
the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct
Get the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Adds a child to the top or left pane with default parameters. This is equivalent to gtk_paned_pack1 (paned, child, FALSE, TRUE).
Adds a child to the bottom or right pane with default parameters. This is equivalent to gtk_paned_pack2 (paned, child, TRUE, TRUE).
Obtains the first child of the paned widget.
Obtains the second child of the paned widget.
Returns the gdk.Window of the handle. This function is useful when handling button or motion events because it enables the callback to distinguish between the window of the paned, a child and the handle.
Obtains the position of the divider between the two panes.
Gets the wide-handle property.
Adds a child to the top or left pane.
Adds a child to the bottom or right pane.
Sets the position of the divider between the two panes.
Sets the wide-handle property.
The ::accept-position signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted to accept the current position of the handle when moving it using key bindings.
The ::cancel-position signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted to cancel moving the position of the handle using key bindings. The position of the handle will be reset to the value prior to moving it.
The ::cycle-child-focus signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted to cycle the focus between the children of the paned.
The ::cycle-handle-focus signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted to cycle whether the paned should grab focus to allow the user to change position of the handle by using key bindings.
The ::move-handle signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted to move the handle when the user is using key bindings to move it.
The ::toggle-handle-focus is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted to accept the current position of the handle and then move focus to the next widget in the focus chain.
The HPaned widget is a container widget with two children arranged horizontally. The division between the two panes is adjustable by the user by dragging a handle. See gtk.Paned for details.
GtkHPaned has been deprecated, use gtk.Paned instead.