Begins editing on a cell_editable.
The gtk.CellRenderer for the cell creates and returns a GtkCellEditable from CellRenderer.startEditing, configured for the gtk.CellRenderer type.
gtk_cell_editable_start_editing() can then set up cell_editable suitably for editing a cell, e.g. making the Esc key emit editing-done.
Note that the cell_editable is created on-demand for the current edit; its lifetime is temporary and does not persist across other edits and/or cells.
The gdk.Event that began the editing process, or NULL if editing was initiated programmatically
Begins editing on a cell_editable.
The gtk.CellRenderer for the cell creates and returns a GtkCellEditable from CellRenderer.startEditing, configured for the gtk.CellRenderer type.
gtk_cell_editable_start_editing() can then set up cell_editable suitably for editing a cell, e.g. making the Esc key emit editing-done.
Note that the cell_editable is created on-demand for the current edit; its lifetime is temporary and does not persist across other edits and/or cells.