
Draw page page_nr for printing on the the Cairo context encapsuled in context.

This method has been designed to be called in the handler of the draw_page signal as shown in the following example:

<informalexample><programlisting> // Signal handler for the GtkPrintOperation::draw_page signal

static void draw_page (GtkPrintOperation *operation, GtkPrintContext *context, gint page_nr, gpointer user_data) { GtkSourcePrintCompositor *compositor;

compositor = GTK_SOURCE_PRINT_COMPOSITOR (user_data);

gtk_source_print_compositor_draw_page (compositor, context, page_nr); } </programlisting></informalexample>

class SourcePrintCompositor


context PrintContext

the gtk.PrintContext encapsulating the context information that is required when drawing the page for printing.

pageNr int

the number of the page to print.