class T2DeliverySystemCellExtension {
- this
this(GstMpegtsT2DeliverySystemCellExtension* gstMpegtsT2DeliverySystemCellExtension, bool ownedRef)
Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
A destructor is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
- getStruct
void* getStruct()
the main Gtk struct as a void*
- getT2DeliverySystemCellExtensionStruct
GstMpegtsT2DeliverySystemCellExtension* getT2DeliverySystemCellExtensionStruct(bool transferOwnership)
- cellIdExtension
ubyte cellIdExtension [@property getter]
ubyte cellIdExtension [@property setter]
- transposerFrequency
uint transposerFrequency [@property getter]
uint transposerFrequency [@property setter]
centre frequency of the sub cell in Hz
- getType
GType getType()
- gstMpegtsT2DeliverySystemCellExtension
GstMpegtsT2DeliverySystemCellExtension* gstMpegtsT2DeliverySystemCellExtension;