Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
Allocates a new gst.QueueArray.QueueArray object with an initial queue size of initial_size.
Allocates a new gst.QueueArray.QueueArray object for elements (e.g. structures) of size struct_size, with an initial queue size of initial_size.
A destructor is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
Clears queue array and frees all memory associated to it.
Drops the queue element at position idx from queue array.
Drops the queue element at position idx from queue array and copies the data of the element or structure that was removed into p_struct if p_struct is set (not NULL).
Finds an element in the queue array, either by comparing every element with func or by looking up data if no compare function func is provided, and returning the index of the found element.
Frees queue array and all memory associated to it.
Returns the length of the queue array
Get the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Checks if the queue array is empty.
Returns the head of the queue array and does not remove it from the queue.
Returns the head of the queue array without removing it from the queue.
Returns the item at idx in array, but does not remove it from the queue.
Returns the item at idx in array, but does not remove it from the queue.
Returns the tail of the queue array, but does not remove it from the queue.
Returns the tail of the queue array, but does not remove it from the queue.
Returns and head of the queue array and removes it from the queue.
Returns the head of the queue array and removes it from the queue.
Returns the tail of the queue array and removes it from the queue.
Returns the tail of the queue array and removes it from the queue.
Pushes data to the tail of the queue array.
Sets a function to clear an element of array.
the main Gtk struct
gst.QueueArray.QueueArray is an object that provides standard queue functionality based on an array instead of linked lists. This reduces the overhead caused by memory management by a large factor.