
Contains the public fields of a GArray.


this(GArray* gArray, bool ownedRef)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.

this(bool zeroTerminated, bool clear, uint elementSize)

Creates a new GArray with a reference count of 1.



ArrayG appendVals(void* data, uint len)

Adds len elements onto the end of the array.

bool binarySearch(void* target, GCompareFunc compareFunc, uint outMatchIndex)

Checks whether target exists in array by performing a binary search based on the given comparison function compare_func which get pointers to items as arguments. If the element is found, TRUE is returned and the element’s index is returned in out_match_index (if non-NULL). Otherwise, FALSE is returned and out_match_index is undefined. If target exists multiple times in array, the index of the first instance is returned. This search is using a binary search, so the array must absolutely be sorted to return a correct result (if not, the function may produce false-negative).

ArrayG copy()

Create a shallow copy of a GArray If the array elements consist of pointers to data, the pointers are copied but the actual data is not.

string free(bool freeSegment)

Frees the memory allocated for the GArray If free_segment is TRUE it frees the memory block holding the elements as well. Pass FALSE if you want to free the GArray wrapper but preserve the underlying array for use elsewhere. If the reference count of array is greater than one, the GArray wrapper is preserved but the size of array will be set to zero.

GArray* getArrayGStruct(bool transferOwnership)

Get the main Gtk struct

uint getElementSize()

Gets the size of the elements in array.

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

ArrayG insertVals(uint index, void* data, uint len)

Inserts len elements into a GArray at the given index.

ArrayG prependVals(void* data, uint len)

Adds len elements onto the start of the array.

ArrayG ref_()

Atomically increments the reference count of array by one. This function is thread-safe and may be called from any thread.

ArrayG removeIndex(uint index)

Removes the element at the given index from a GArray The following elements are moved down one place.

ArrayG removeIndexFast(uint index)

Removes the element at the given index from a GArray The last element in the array is used to fill in the space, so this function does not preserve the order of the GArray But it is faster than g_array_remove_index().

ArrayG removeRange(uint index, uint length)

Removes the given number of elements starting at the given index from a GArray The following elements are moved to close the gap.

void setClearFunc(GDestroyNotify clearFunc)

Sets a function to clear an element of array.

ArrayG setSize(uint length)

Sets the size of the array, expanding it if necessary. If the array was created with clear_ set to TRUE, the new elements are set to 0.

void sort(GCompareFunc compareFunc)

Sorts a GArray using compare_func which should be a qsort()-style comparison function (returns less than zero for first arg is less than second arg, zero for equal, greater zero if first arg is greater than second arg).

void sortWithData(GCompareDataFunc compareFunc, void* userData)

Like g_array_sort(), but the comparison function receives an extra user data argument.

void* steal(size_t len)

Frees the data in the array and resets the size to zero, while the underlying array is preserved for use elsewhere and returned to the caller.

void unref()

Atomically decrements the reference count of array by one. If the reference count drops to 0, all memory allocated by the array is released. This function is thread-safe and may be called from any thread.

Static functions

ArrayG sizedNew(bool zeroTerminated, bool clear, uint elementSize, uint reservedSize)

Creates a new GArray with reserved_size elements preallocated and a reference count of 1. This avoids frequent reallocation, if you are going to add many elements to the array. Note however that the size of the array is still 0.


GArray* gArray;

the main Gtk struct