- ownName
uint ownName(GBusType busType, string name, GBusNameOwnerFlags flags, GBusAcquiredCallback busAcquiredHandler, GBusNameAcquiredCallback nameAcquiredHandler, GBusNameLostCallback nameLostHandler, void* userData, GDestroyNotify userDataFreeFunc)
Starts acquiring name on the bus specified by bus_type and calls
name_acquired_handler and name_lost_handler when the name is
acquired respectively lost. Callbacks will be invoked in the
[thread-default main context][g-main-context-push-thread-default]
of the thread you are calling this function from.
- ownNameOnConnection
uint ownNameOnConnection(DBusConnection connection, string name, GBusNameOwnerFlags flags, GBusNameAcquiredCallback nameAcquiredHandler, GBusNameLostCallback nameLostHandler, void* userData, GDestroyNotify userDataFreeFunc)
- ownNameOnConnectionWithClosures
uint ownNameOnConnectionWithClosures(DBusConnection connection, string name, GBusNameOwnerFlags flags, Closure nameAcquiredClosure, Closure nameLostClosure)
- ownNameWithClosures
uint ownNameWithClosures(GBusType busType, string name, GBusNameOwnerFlags flags, Closure busAcquiredClosure, Closure nameAcquiredClosure, Closure nameLostClosure)
Version of Bus.ownName using closures instead of callbacks for
easier binding in other languages.
- unownName
void unownName(uint ownerId)
- unwatchName
void unwatchName(uint watcherId)
- watchName
uint watchName(GBusType busType, string name, GBusNameWatcherFlags flags, GBusNameAppearedCallback nameAppearedHandler, GBusNameVanishedCallback nameVanishedHandler, void* userData, GDestroyNotify userDataFreeFunc)
Starts watching name on the bus specified by bus_type and calls
name_appeared_handler and name_vanished_handler when the name is
known to have an owner respectively known to lose its
owner. Callbacks will be invoked in the
[thread-default main context][g-main-context-push-thread-default]
of the thread you are calling this function from.
- watchNameOnConnection
uint watchNameOnConnection(DBusConnection connection, string name, GBusNameWatcherFlags flags, GBusNameAppearedCallback nameAppearedHandler, GBusNameVanishedCallback nameVanishedHandler, void* userData, GDestroyNotify userDataFreeFunc)
- watchNameOnConnectionWithClosures
uint watchNameOnConnectionWithClosures(DBusConnection connection, string name, GBusNameWatcherFlags flags, Closure nameAppearedClosure, Closure nameVanishedClosure)
- watchNameWithClosures
uint watchNameWithClosures(GBusType busType, string name, GBusNameWatcherFlags flags, Closure nameAppearedClosure, Closure nameVanishedClosure)
Version of Bus.watchName using closures instead of callbacks for
easier binding in other languages.