
struct DBusNames {}


Static functions

uint ownName(GBusType busType, string name, GBusNameOwnerFlags flags, GBusAcquiredCallback busAcquiredHandler, GBusNameAcquiredCallback nameAcquiredHandler, GBusNameLostCallback nameLostHandler, void* userData, GDestroyNotify userDataFreeFunc)

Starts acquiring name on the bus specified by bus_type and calls name_acquired_handler and name_lost_handler when the name is acquired respectively lost. Callbacks will be invoked in the [thread-default main context][g-main-context-push-thread-default] of the thread you are calling this function from.

uint ownNameOnConnection(DBusConnection connection, string name, GBusNameOwnerFlags flags, GBusNameAcquiredCallback nameAcquiredHandler, GBusNameLostCallback nameLostHandler, void* userData, GDestroyNotify userDataFreeFunc)

Like Bus.ownName but takes a gio.DBusConnection instead of a GBusType

uint ownNameOnConnectionWithClosures(DBusConnection connection, string name, GBusNameOwnerFlags flags, Closure nameAcquiredClosure, Closure nameLostClosure)

Version of Bus.ownNameOnConnection using closures instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages.

uint ownNameWithClosures(GBusType busType, string name, GBusNameOwnerFlags flags, Closure busAcquiredClosure, Closure nameAcquiredClosure, Closure nameLostClosure)

Version of Bus.ownName using closures instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages.

void unownName(uint ownerId)

Stops owning a name.

void unwatchName(uint watcherId)

Stops watching a name.

uint watchName(GBusType busType, string name, GBusNameWatcherFlags flags, GBusNameAppearedCallback nameAppearedHandler, GBusNameVanishedCallback nameVanishedHandler, void* userData, GDestroyNotify userDataFreeFunc)

Starts watching name on the bus specified by bus_type and calls name_appeared_handler and name_vanished_handler when the name is known to have an owner respectively known to lose its owner. Callbacks will be invoked in the [thread-default main context][g-main-context-push-thread-default] of the thread you are calling this function from.

uint watchNameOnConnection(DBusConnection connection, string name, GBusNameWatcherFlags flags, GBusNameAppearedCallback nameAppearedHandler, GBusNameVanishedCallback nameVanishedHandler, void* userData, GDestroyNotify userDataFreeFunc)

Like Bus.watchName but takes a gio.DBusConnection instead of a GBusType

uint watchNameOnConnectionWithClosures(DBusConnection connection, string name, GBusNameWatcherFlags flags, Closure nameAppearedClosure, Closure nameVanishedClosure)

Version of Bus.watchNameOnConnection using closures instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages.

uint watchNameWithClosures(GBusType busType, string name, GBusNameWatcherFlags flags, Closure nameAppearedClosure, Closure nameVanishedClosure)

Version of Bus.watchName using closures instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages.