
Requests the drag and drop operation to be managed by context. When a drag and drop operation becomes managed, the gdk.DragContext will internally handle all input and source-side GdkEventDND events as required by the windowing system.

Once the drag and drop operation is managed, the drag context will emit the following signals: - The action-changed signal whenever the final action to be performed by the drag and drop operation changes. - The drop-performed signal after the user performs the drag and drop gesture (typically by releasing the mouse button). - The dnd-finished signal after the drag and drop operation concludes (after all gdk.Selection transfers happen). - The cancel signal if the drag and drop operation is finished but doesn't happen over an accepting destination, or is cancelled through other means.

class DragContext


ipcWindow Window

Window to use for IPC messaging/events

actions GdkDragAction

the actions supported by the drag source

Return Value

Type: bool

TRUE if the drag and drop operation is managed.


