
gtk.SearchEntry is a subclass of gtk.Entry that has been tailored for use as a search entry.

It will show an inactive symbolic “find” icon when the search entry is empty, and a symbolic “clear” icon when there is text. Clicking on the “clear” icon will empty the search entry.

Note that the search/clear icon is shown using a secondary icon, and thus does not work if you are using the secondary icon position for some other purpose.

To make filtering appear more reactive, it is a good idea to not react to every change in the entry text immediately, but only after a short delay. To support this, gtk.SearchEntry emits the search-changed signal which can be used instead of the changed signal.

The previous-match, next-match and stop-search signals can be used to implement moving between search results and ending the search.

Often, GtkSearchEntry will be fed events by means of being placed inside a gtk.SearchBar If that is not the case, you can use SearchEntry.handleEvent to pass events.


this(GtkSearchEntry* gtkSearchEntry, bool ownedRef)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.


Creates a gtk.SearchEntry, with a find icon when the search field is empty, and a clear icon when it isn't.



gulong addOnNextMatch(void delegate(SearchEntry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::next-match signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted when the user initiates a move to the next match for the current search string.

gulong addOnPreviousMatch(void delegate(SearchEntry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::previous-match signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted when the user initiates a move to the previous match for the current search string.

gulong addOnSearchChanged(void delegate(SearchEntry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The search-changed signal is emitted with a short delay of 150 milliseconds after the last change to the entry text.

gulong addOnStopSearch(void delegate(SearchEntry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::stop-search signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted when the user stops a search via keyboard input.

GtkSearchEntry* getSearchEntryStruct(bool transferOwnership)

Get the main Gtk struct

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

bool handleEvent(Event event)

This function should be called when the top-level window which contains the search entry received a key event. If the entry is part of a gtk.SearchBar, it is preferable to call SearchBar.handleEvent instead, which will reveal the entry in addition to passing the event to this function.

Static functions

GType getType()


GtkSearchEntry* gtkSearchEntry;

the main Gtk struct

Inherited Members

From Entry

GtkEntry* gtkEntry;

the main Gtk struct

GtkEntry* getEntryStruct(bool transferOwnership)

Get the main Gtk struct

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

StockID getStockId(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos)

Gets the stock id of action. Since 2.16

void setStockId(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos, StockID stockId)

Sets the stock id on action Since 2.16

GType getType()
bool getActivatesDefault()

Retrieves the value set by Entry.setActivatesDefault.

float getAlignment()

Gets the value set by Entry.setAlignment.

PgAttributeList getAttributes()

Gets the attribute list that was set on the entry using Entry.setAttributes, if any.

EntryBuffer getBuffer()

Get the gtk.EntryBuffer object which holds the text for this widget.

EntryCompletion getCompletion()

Returns the auxiliary completion object currently in use by entry.

int getCurrentIconDragSource()

Returns the index of the icon which is the source of the current DND operation, or -1.

Adjustment getCursorHadjustment()

Retrieves the horizontal cursor adjustment for the entry. See Entry.setCursorHadjustment.

bool getHasFrame()

Gets the value set by Entry.setHasFrame.

bool getIconActivatable(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos)

Returns whether the icon is activatable.

void getIconArea(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos, GdkRectangle iconArea)

Gets the area where entry’s icon at icon_pos is drawn. This function is useful when drawing something to the entry in a draw callback.

int getIconAtPos(int x, int y)

Finds the icon at the given position and return its index. The position’s coordinates are relative to the entry’s top left corner. If x, y doesn’t lie inside an icon, -1 is returned. This function is intended for use in a query-tooltip signal handler.

IconIF getIconGicon(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos)

Retrieves the GIcon used for the icon, or NULL if there is no icon or if the icon was set by some other method (e.g., by stock, pixbuf, or icon name).

string getIconName(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos)

Retrieves the icon name used for the icon, or NULL if there is no icon or if the icon was set by some other method (e.g., by pixbuf, stock or gicon).

Pixbuf getIconPixbuf(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos)

Retrieves the image used for the icon.

bool getIconSensitive(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos)

Returns whether the icon appears sensitive or insensitive.

string getIconStock(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos)

Retrieves the stock id used for the icon, or NULL if there is no icon or if the icon was set by some other method (e.g., by pixbuf, icon name or gicon).

GtkImageType getIconStorageType(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos)

Gets the type of representation being used by the icon to store image data. If the icon has no image data, the return value will be GTK_IMAGE_EMPTY.

string getIconTooltipMarkup(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos)

Gets the contents of the tooltip on the icon at the specified position in entry.

string getIconTooltipText(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos)

Gets the contents of the tooltip on the icon at the specified position in entry.

Border getInnerBorder()

This function returns the entry’s inner-border property. See Entry.setInnerBorder for more information.

GtkInputHints getInputHints()

Gets the value of the input-hints property.

GtkInputPurpose getInputPurpose()

Gets the value of the input-purpose property.

dchar getInvisibleChar()

Retrieves the character displayed in place of the real characters for entries with visibility set to false. See Entry.setInvisibleChar.

PgLayout getLayout()

Gets the gtk.Layout used to display the entry. The layout is useful to e.g. convert text positions to pixel positions, in combination with Entry.getLayoutOffsets. The returned layout is owned by the entry and must not be modified or freed by the caller.

void getLayoutOffsets(int x, int y)

Obtains the position of the gtk.Layout used to render text in the entry, in widget coordinates. Useful if you want to line up the text in an entry with some other text, e.g. when using the entry to implement editable cells in a sheet widget.

int getMaxLength()

Retrieves the maximum allowed length of the text in entry. See Entry.setMaxLength.

int getMaxWidthChars()

Retrieves the desired maximum width of entry, in characters. See Entry.setMaxWidthChars.

bool getOverwriteMode()

Gets the value set by Entry.setOverwriteMode.

string getPlaceholderText()

Retrieves the text that will be displayed when entry is empty and unfocused

double getProgressFraction()

Returns the current fraction of the task that’s been completed. See Entry.setProgressFraction.

double getProgressPulseStep()

Retrieves the pulse step set with Entry.setProgressPulseStep.

PgTabArray getTabs()

Gets the tabstops that were set on the entry using Entry.setTabs, if any.

string getText()

Retrieves the contents of the entry widget. See also gtk_editable_get_chars().

void getTextArea(GdkRectangle textArea)

Gets the area where the entry’s text is drawn. This function is useful when drawing something to the entry in a draw callback.

ushort getTextLength()

Retrieves the current length of the text in entry.

bool getVisibility()

Retrieves whether the text in entry is visible. See Entry.setVisibility.

int getWidthChars()

Gets the value set by Entry.setWidthChars.

void grabFocusWithoutSelecting()

Causes entry to have keyboard focus.

bool imContextFilterKeypress(GdkEventKey* event)

Allow the gtk.Entry input method to internally handle key press and release events. If this function returns TRUE, then no further processing should be done for this key event. See gtk_im_context_filter_keypress().

int layoutIndexToTextIndex(int layoutIndex)

Converts from a position in the entry’s gtk.Layout (returned by Entry.getLayout) to a position in the entry contents (returned by Entry.getText).

void progressPulse()

Indicates that some progress is made, but you don’t know how much. Causes the entry’s progress indicator to enter “activity mode,” where a block bounces back and forth. Each call to Entry.progressPulse causes the block to move by a little bit (the amount of movement per pulse is determined by Entry.setProgressPulseStep).

void resetImContext()

Reset the input method context of the entry if needed.

void setActivatesDefault(bool setting)

If setting is TRUE, pressing Enter in the entry will activate the default widget for the window containing the entry. This usually means that the dialog box containing the entry will be closed, since the default widget is usually one of the dialog buttons.

void setAlignment(float xalign)

Sets the alignment for the contents of the entry. This controls the horizontal positioning of the contents when the displayed text is shorter than the width of the entry.

void setAttributes(PgAttributeList attrs)

Sets a PangoAttrList; the attributes in the list are applied to the entry text.

void setBuffer(EntryBuffer buffer)

Set the gtk.EntryBuffer object which holds the text for this widget.

void setCompletion(EntryCompletion completion)

Sets completion to be the auxiliary completion object to use with entry. All further configuration of the completion mechanism is done on completion using the gtk.EntryCompletion API. Completion is disabled if completion is set to NULL.

void setCursorHadjustment(Adjustment adjustment)

Hooks up an adjustment to the cursor position in an entry, so that when the cursor is moved, the adjustment is scrolled to show that position. See ScrolledWindow.getHadjustment for a typical way of obtaining the adjustment.

void setHasFrame(bool setting)

Sets whether the entry has a beveled frame around it.

void setIconActivatable(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos, bool activatable)

Sets whether the icon is activatable.

void setIconDragSource(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos, TargetList targetList, GdkDragAction actions)

Sets up the icon at the given position so that GTK+ will start a drag operation when the user clicks and drags the icon.

void setIconFromGicon(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos, IconIF icon)

Sets the icon shown in the entry at the specified position from the current icon theme. If the icon isn’t known, a “broken image” icon will be displayed instead.

void setIconFromIconName(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos, string iconName)

Sets the icon shown in the entry at the specified position from the current icon theme.

void setIconFromPixbuf(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos, Pixbuf pixbuf)

Sets the icon shown in the specified position using a pixbuf.

void setIconFromStock(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos, string stockId)

Sets the icon shown in the entry at the specified position from a stock image.

void setIconSensitive(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos, bool sensitive)

Sets the sensitivity for the specified icon.

void setIconTooltipMarkup(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos, string tooltip)

Sets tooltip as the contents of the tooltip for the icon at the specified position. tooltip is assumed to be marked up with the [Pango text markup language]PangoMarkupFormat.

void setIconTooltipText(GtkEntryIconPosition iconPos, string tooltip)

Sets tooltip as the contents of the tooltip for the icon at the specified position.

void setInnerBorder(Border border)

Sets entry’s inner-border property to border, or clears it if NULL is passed. The inner-border is the area around the entry’s text, but inside its frame.

void setInputHints(GtkInputHints hints)

Sets the input-hints property, which allows input methods to fine-tune their behaviour.

void setInputPurpose(GtkInputPurpose purpose)

Sets the input-purpose property which can be used by on-screen keyboards and other input methods to adjust their behaviour.

void setInvisibleChar(dchar ch)

Sets the character to use in place of the actual text when Entry.setVisibility has been called to set text visibility to FALSE. i.e. this is the character used in “password mode” to show the user how many characters have been typed. By default, GTK+ picks the best invisible char available in the current font. If you set the invisible char to 0, then the user will get no feedback at all; there will be no text on the screen as they type.

void setMaxLength(int max)

Sets the maximum allowed length of the contents of the widget. If the current contents are longer than the given length, then they will be truncated to fit.

void setMaxWidthChars(int nChars)

Sets the desired maximum width in characters of entry.

void setOverwriteMode(bool overwrite)

Sets whether the text is overwritten when typing in the gtk.Entry

void setPlaceholderText(string text)

Sets text to be displayed in entry when it is empty and unfocused. This can be used to give a visual hint of the expected contents of the gtk.Entry

void setProgressFraction(double fraction)

Causes the entry’s progress indicator to “fill in” the given fraction of the bar. The fraction should be between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.

void setProgressPulseStep(double fraction)

Sets the fraction of total entry width to move the progress bouncing block for each call to Entry.progressPulse.

void setTabs(PgTabArray tabs)

Sets a PangoTabArray; the tabstops in the array are applied to the entry text.

void setText(string text)

Sets the text in the widget to the given value, replacing the current contents.

void setVisibility(bool visible)

Sets whether the contents of the entry are visible or not. When visibility is set to FALSE, characters are displayed as the invisible char, and will also appear that way when the text in the entry widget is copied elsewhere.

void setWidthChars(int nChars)

Changes the size request of the entry to be about the right size for n_chars characters. Note that it changes the size request, the size can still be affected by how you pack the widget into containers. If n_chars is -1, the size reverts to the default entry size.

int textIndexToLayoutIndex(int textIndex)

Converts from a position in the entry contents (returned by Entry.getText) to a position in the entry’s gtk.Layout (returned by Entry.getLayout, with text retrieved via Layout.getText).

void unsetInvisibleChar()

Unsets the invisible char previously set with Entry.setInvisibleChar. So that the default invisible char is used again.

gulong addOnActivate(void delegate(Entry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::activate signal is emitted when the user hits the Enter key.

gulong addOnBackspace(void delegate(Entry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::backspace signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted when the user asks for it.

gulong addOnCopyClipboard(void delegate(Entry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::copy-clipboard signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted to copy the selection to the clipboard.

gulong addOnCutClipboard(void delegate(Entry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::cut-clipboard signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted to cut the selection to the clipboard.

gulong addOnDeleteFromCursor(void delegate(GtkDeleteType, int, Entry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::delete-from-cursor signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted when the user initiates a text deletion.

gulong addOnIconPress(void delegate(GtkEntryIconPosition, GdkEventButton*, Entry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::icon-press signal is emitted when an activatable icon is clicked.

gulong addOnIconPress(void delegate(GtkEntryIconPosition, Event, Entry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::icon-press signal is emitted when an activatable icon is clicked.

gulong addOnIconRelease(void delegate(GtkEntryIconPosition, GdkEventButton*, Entry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::icon-release signal is emitted on the button release from a mouse click over an activatable icon.

gulong addOnIconRelease(void delegate(GtkEntryIconPosition, Event, Entry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::icon-release signal is emitted on the button release from a mouse click over an activatable icon.

gulong addOnInsertAtCursor(void delegate(string, Entry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::insert-at-cursor signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted when the user initiates the insertion of a fixed string at the cursor.

gulong addOnInsertEmoji(void delegate(Entry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::insert-emoji signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted to present the Emoji chooser for the entry.

gulong addOnMoveCursor(void delegate(GtkMovementStep, int, bool, Entry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::move-cursor signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted when the user initiates a cursor movement. If the cursor is not visible in entry, this signal causes the viewport to be moved instead.

gulong addOnPasteClipboard(void delegate(Entry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::paste-clipboard signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted to paste the contents of the clipboard into the text view.

gulong addOnPopulatePopup(void delegate(Widget, Entry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::populate-popup signal gets emitted before showing the context menu of the entry.

gulong addOnPreeditChanged(void delegate(string, Entry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

If an input method is used, the typed text will not immediately be committed to the buffer. So if you are interested in the text, connect to this signal.

gulong addOnToggleOverwrite(void delegate(Entry) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::toggle-overwrite signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted to toggle the overwrite mode of the entry.
