Offset from UTC in hours.
the gregorian year
the gregorian month
the day of the gregorian month
the hour of the day
the minute of the hour
the second of the minute
the newly created gstreamer.DateTime
ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.
Creates a new gstreamer.DateTime using the date and times in the gregorian calendar in the supplied timezone.
year should be from 1 to 9999, month should be from 1 to 12, day from 1 to 31, hour from 0 to 23, minutes and seconds from 0 to 59.
Note that tzoffset is a float and was chosen so for being able to handle some fractional timezones, while it still keeps the readability of representing it in hours for most timezones.
If value is -1 then all over value will be ignored. For example if month == -1, then gstreamer.DateTime will created only for year. If day == -1, then gstreamer.DateTime will created for year and month and so on.
Free-function: gst_date_time_unref