
Allocates a new gst.BaseParseFrame.BaseParseFrame This function is mainly for bindings, elements written in C should usually allocate the frame on the stack and then use BaseParse.frameInit to initialise it.

  1. this(GstBaseParseFrame* gstBaseParseFrame, bool ownedRef)
  2. this(Buffer buffer, GstBaseParseFrameFlags flags, int overhead)
    class BaseParseFrame


buffer Buffer
flags GstBaseParseFrameFlags

the flags

overhead int

number of bytes in this frame which should be counted as metadata overhead, ie. not used to calculate the average bitrate. Set to -1 to mark the entire frame as metadata. If in doubt, set to 0.

Return Value

a newly-allocated gst.BaseParseFrame.BaseParseFrame Free with BaseParse.frameFree when no longer needed.


ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.